Diplomas for peer educators

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has ceremoniously given the certificates for peer education on online safety, to the participants in the project “Safe online – safe in the world”, in the Assembly of the City of Belgrade.

She has congratulated to the participants of secondary schools from Belgrade for participating in this project, and invited them to shale the acquired knowledge with their peers, and their parents as well.

Diplomas for peer educators

“Within the campaign for online safety, conducted by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications this and last year, IT Caravan, for about 10.500 pupils in Serbia, we conducted a survey among the parents. They are rather interested in this topic, and it would be significant to hear from you your digital experiences in everyday life in order to understand possible issues which might occur”, says Ms Matić.

She has announced that next IT Caravan, with the presentations on safe and useful use of new technologies, will also be devoted to parents.