Digitalisation of the society and information safety on Smart e-Government 2017

Assistant Minister for information society Sava Savić in his introductory speech at the 13th International Conference “Smart e-Government 2017” held in Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade, said that the trust of users in digital services and electronic services is one of the key components of the sustainable development of digital economy.

“With the adoption of the Law on Electronic Documents, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions will ensure the reliable electronic identification and electronic delivery, which will have the same legal power as a signature, seals and submission of paper form documents. Reliability and trust of users in the electronic way of work are key elements we want to build with the implementation of this law”, emphasised Sava Savić.

Digitalisation of the society and information safety on Smart e-Government 2017

The most powerful factor bringing to the unbelievable results of world technological companies which base their business on the information and communication technologies is mobility. The Law defined the service of providing qualified electronic signature from cloud by which we want to keep up with the trend of mobile way of living and the needs of modern way of business making.

With the aim to have more rapid implementation of the new law, as announced by the Assistant Minister, a Regulation on closer requirements for provision of qualified trust services will be created, as well as the Rulebook on closer requirements to be met by the means for creation of qualified electronic signature and seal, which will define the requirements to be met by the providers of qualified trust services, and ensuring confidentiality of data, counterfeiting protection, unauthorised use, etc. and will ensure a signature in the cloud, which will, inter alia, contribute to the improvement of the portal of the electronic e-Government.

Assistant Minister has said that the Law on Information Safety is one step in the process of retaining trust, with the application of relevant measures so that the ICT system protects secrecy, integrity, availability, authenticity and irreverence of data used in the system”, says Mr Savić.

Mr Savić emphasized the significance of the Strategy of development of the information safety in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2017 to 2020, which recognises five priority field of development: safety of the information and communication systems, information safety of citizens, fight against high-tech crime, information safety of the Republic of Serbia and the international cooperation in the field of information safety.

Digitalisation of the society and information safety on Smart e-Government 2017

Conference with the topic “Electronic identity and services of e-Government” gathered the representatives of state administration and business, including the government IT strategists, industry leaders, university professors and independent experts, with the aim to discuss, at one place, the growing trends in the standardisation of new technologies for construction of a modern information society.

For the participants there was a special Round table organised about the “Challenges in developing a safe electronic business” and an exhibition of solutions organised together with expert presentations in the plenary part of the Conference.

The Conference and the exhibition to be held on 8th and 9th November, will demonstrate numerous presentation of the leading companies in development of modern technologies for the realisation of public electronic services.

The Conference is organised by ASIT (Association for computer science, information, telecommunications and new media of Serbia) in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and Serbian Chamber of Commerce.