Digitalisation of the cultural, art and scientific heritage

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has stated that the Ministry will support the establishment of the national centre for digitalisation of the cultural, art and scientific heritage, within the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

She has announced that the centre will be established in the course of next year and that it will involve all the competent institutions with the aim to permanently store the rich national heritage in a digital format.

Digitalisation of the cultural, art and scientific heritage

At the opening of the “Hack Creative Week”, in the Ustanova kulture “Parobrod”, State Secretary has greeted the initiative of the project of digital promotion of culture of small historical towns in Serbia, Slovenia and Italy – “diStory”.

“Apart from a definite significance for the archive and storage of the digitalisation of the cultural heritage, it is certainly of great importance to have digital promotion of the cultural heritage in the age of dominant information science. Ministry has funded a few dozens of projects of NGOs in the field of digitalisation of cultural heritage since 2013, and will keep supporting such programmes”; Ms Tatjana Matić has said.

Centre for urban development, in cooperation with the Museums of municipalities of Radovljica from Slovenia, Association of historical towns of Slovenia and Municipality of Fermo from Italy, within the project “diStory” supported by the European Commission and the programme of Creative Europe, will organise the international “Hack Creative Week” to last until November 24.