Digitalisation of administration contributes to the efficiency, savings and transparency

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said at the conference “Building the Digital Local Parliaments” that the digital transformation of the administration, as well as economy and the overall social space, will contribute to the efficiency and huge savings, and thus the general progress.

“When it comes to the administration bodies at all levels, digitalisation also opens the door and opportunity of an increased level of transparency in work and democratisation in the two-way communication with the citizens”, said Ms Matić at the beginning of the two-day conference held in the Congress Master Centre in Novi Sad.

Дигитализација управе доприноси ефикасности, уштедама и транспарентности

She has reminded that the legal framework for the introduction of new technologies into the system of public administration has been anchored with the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions, adopted in the Serbian Parliament on 17 October.

“The new law will facilitate and accelerate the communication between the citizens and public administration bodies, electronic documents will reduce the use of paper documents, electronic signature will be equivalent to the personal signature, and electronic delivery will have a legal weight. In this way the citizens will be able to finish many things without going to the counter, while on the other hand, servants will have less automatic work. The new legal solutions will also contribute to the improvement of the e-Governance portal, and the general efficiency and safety in protocol, processing and storage of data”, said State Secretary.

Дигитализација управе доприноси ефикасности, уштедама и транспарентности

She has added that the introduction of new electronic services, especially at the local level, is of key importance for raising the information and communication infrastructure.

“For encouraging the development of the broadband access, the Ministry in charge of telecommunication has prepared the Strategy for New Networks Development, the Law on Broadband is in the preparation process, and we soon expect the adoption of the new Law on Electronic Communications, which will contribute to the network improvement”, says Ms Matić, reminding that the Serbian Government has adopted the Proposal for the Law on Electronic Communications in the session held on 26th October.