“Digital Banking and Economy” Conference Held

The conference “Digital Banking and Economy”, organized by Newsweek Magazine and Adria Media Group, was successfully held at the Belgrade Crown Plaza Hotel.

The conference on digital banking, trade and business was attended by Assistant Minister Sava Savić.

Отворена конференција „Дигитално банкарство и економија“

During his presentation for the panel “Online Safety”, Sava Savić, Assistant Minister for Information Society, emphasized there are no significant cyber-attacks recorded in the banking sector in Serbia at the moment, but this does not mean there will not be any in the future, and added that most banking fraud in Serbia is mail-based fraud.
The conference, comprised of six panels, was the venue for eminent experts in the field of digital business, banking and trade to discuss issues of digital banking and modern trends, business-oriented internet, is there e-commerce in Serbia, how to move offline spending online, internet safety, etc.

The Assistant Minister said that the Law on Information Security envisages that financial institutions would also be operators of ICT system of special importance, and would be obliged to undertake adequate protection measures for their systems, in accordance with the law and the bylaws to be adopted based on the law.

“Those financial institutions deemed to be operators of ICT systems of particular importance will have to undertake protection measures prescribed by law, adopting a Regulation on ICT System Security. They will likewise have to report to the National Bank of Serbia on incidents in ICT systems that violate information security”, noted Sava Savić.

Отворена конференција „Дигитално банкарство и економија“

The conference served to introduce the audience to methods of saving time and facilitating single-click payment of bills online, as well as the role of mobile telephones in this process.

Participants of the panel “Online Safety”, in addition to Assistant Minister Sava Savić, were also Jovan Šikanja, E-sigurnost and Limundo, Radoje Gvozdenović, Assistant General Secretary of the Commissioner Service in the Sector of Information Technology, Žarko Ptiček, IT lawyer and Igor Franc, SECIT security consulting.

Participants discussed e-commerce, making possible the ordering products or services online, significantly simplifying the shopping process and introducing significant savings. The panel served to initiate several issues regarding formal-legal aspects of e-business: what type of company is required for e-business, how to legally sell products and services online, etc.

Savić emphasized that the Law on Information Security, coming into force one month ago and representing the legal framework for regulating the security of information-communication systems in the Republic of Serbia, is of great importance for online business in Serbia. The benefits of this law are, primarily, raising overall readiness to react to incidents in ICT systems of particular importance in RS, raising awareness of the risks, the protection of the most important and most critical ICT systems in the Republic of Serbia, that need to undertake adequate technical and organizational measures, determining the competent bodies and improving their cooperation and avoiding or mitigating damage that could arise due to incidents in ICT systems in the Republic of Serbia that may endanger national security, material assets, user privacy, and continuity of service.