Deputy Prime Ministers Wang and Ljajić open the fair “Silk Road 2017“

Deputy PM and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić and Deputy PM of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yang, have opened early today in the Chinese city Xi’an the international fair “Silk Road 2017”, where our country participates as a special guest having the largest pavilion for presentation.

Third international fair “Silk Road” in China, where Serbia is a special guest and partner country, confirm the traditional and strategic friendship of the two countries, and those excellent political relations could be very well used by our businessmen, said Mr Ljajić.

Mr Ljajić used the opportunity to say that the Serbian Government has done everything, actually created relations and signed all necessary agreements.

“Now it’s important to make an excellent step forward, and to make our businessmen establish cooperation with Chinese companies”, says Minister.

<Потпредседници Ванг и Љајић отворили сајам ,Пут свиле 2017

He has added that Serbia has got two basic goals – to attract the largest number of Chinese tourists and to increase the export and volume of goods to the Chinese market.

“We are not happy with the volume of goods exchange, primarily when talking about our export. We are invited next year to participate in the big fair on imported goods in China, and our manufacturers will have the chance to present all our products and all what they could export to the big market of China”, Deputy PM has said.

He has emphasised that it is a great honour for Serbia to be a partner country and main special guest of the fair, with the participation of over 40 countries which, as he has assessed, speaks in favour of excellent political relations of the two countries.

The two Deputy PMs have opened the economic forum as well, which will host entrepreneurs from more than 40 countries and 20 companies from Serbia, mostly in the field of agriculture and food industry.

Being a special guest of the fair, Serbia will have the largest pavilion where it can present the economic and touristic potentials on 500 square meters, as well as the elements of tradition and culture of our country.

Shaanxi province is considered to be one of the cradles of Chinese culture having around 38 million citizens, while its capital Xi’an has almost nine million citizens.