Debate about safe Internet for primary in municipality Kosjeric

State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Tatjana Matic, participated in the educational debate Click Safe for primary school students “Mito Igumanović” Kosjerić. Host in debate of municipalities Kosjerić, recognized the importance of preventive and educational role “Click Safe” debate, which are regularly organized by the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and telecommunications.

Click Safe initiatives implementation have been specified number of activities to draw public attention to the negative aspects and the risks of internet. At the same time, it has been running different types of online education on the children protection, the most vulnerable group subject to various forms of abuse in use of the Internet.

The debate was attended by over 50 students in upper elementary school “Mito Igumanović” and Katarina Andjelkovic, Project Coordinator Click Safe in conversation with students has touched upon many topics in the field of online security.

About debates and activities that in future will be organized as part of this initiative; all interested parties may be more familiar through “Infoklik” phone lines.