Coordination Body for Information Security Affairs Formed

At the proposal of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, during its session held on 3 March 2016, the Government of the Republic of Serbia formed the Coordination Body for Information Security Affairs. Forming this body was envisaged by the Law on Information Security (“Official Gazette of RS” No 6/16).

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications proposed the establishment of this coordination body since the nature of information security demands the widest possible circle of state bodies to participate in its implementation at the national level. Incidents in ICT systems frequently require the reaction of multiple state bodies (the ministry competent for information security, police, National CERT…) and therefore it is important that they cooperate and communicate efficiently.

The task of the Coordination Body is to enable cooperation between bodies and harmonize work aimed at improving information security, initiate and monitor preventive and other activities in the field of information security, propose measures to improve information security in the Republic of Serbia, provide suggestions and proposals regarding the preparation of strategic documents, bylaws and information security policies in the Republic of Serbia, as well as to establish mutual cooperation in case of incidents that could have significant impact on violations of information security in the Republic of Serbia.

The Coordination Body is comprised of members of institutions with competence related to information security issues. The body is governed by a representative of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, with members from the Ministry of Defence, MoI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, security services, Office of the Council for National Security and Protection of Classified Data, Directorate for e-Government, General Secretariat and the National CERT (RATEL).

Since maintaining information security requires the participation of the widest possible circle of stakeholders in society, it is prescribed that representatives of businesses, non-government organizations, the academic community and other experts may participate in the work of the Coordination Body.