Construction of the sports hall in children’s resort “Golija“ in Zlatibor has started

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has laid the foundation stone today for the construction of the sports hall within the children’s resort “Golija”.

“By doing this we’ve stressed the importance of the sport tourism in the most visited mountain in Serbia, and in that respect we’ve laid the foundation stone for the construction of the sports hall within the children’s resort “Golija”, Minister has stated.

Почела изградња спортске хале у дечијем одмаралишту ,,Голија” на Златибору

He has also said that the Ministry has allocated 41 million dinars for the works on this resort, out of which 15 million dinars are intended for the sports hall.

Since the funds for the construction, in addition to the funds of the Ministry, are provided by the City of Užice, Municipality of Čajetina and the institution Zlatibor, Mr Ljajić has emphasized that this is the best example of one joint partnership approach.

“Construction of this hall fill be complemented by the touristic offer of Zlatibor and Golija, and this is the best place for the preparation trainings of athletes and children summer camps”, concluded Minister.

Mr Ljajić has announced the follow-up of the construction of the infrastructure on Zlatibor, expressing his hope that by the end of the year the project of Youth Culture Centre will be completed, for which the Ministry has allocated additional 25 million dinars.