Compulsory IT science for primary school pupils

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Tatjana Matić has greeted the decision of the National Council for Education to introduce IT science into the compulsory primary education starting from grade 5th, starting of the next school year.

“New curriculum will contribute to the improvement of digital literacy in children, as a precondition for their successful social development in the global environment and elimination of digital and economic gap. The systemic approach to education on new technologies will ensure and increase staff capacities in this field, and the raising of digital safety culture in new generations”, as pointed out by Ms Tatjana Matić.

She has reminded that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication, embracing the instruction of the IT science as a compulsory subject, is implementing the second consecutive IT Caravan, starting of April 12, until May 25, in schools, centres of culture, in faculties and other institutions, with the presentations for primary school pupils on useful and safe use of new technologies, coding and robotics.

National Council for Education has adopted the proposal to introduce the IT science as a compulsory subject for primary school pupils of 5th and 6th grade, while the content of the new curriculum for 5th graders will be discussed at the session scheduled for May 9.