Competition in robotics “Hydro Dynamics”

Assistant Minister for Electronic Communications and Postal Services in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Irini Reljin, has ceremoniously opened the state tournament in robot coding, First Lego League (FLL).

The competition held this year which had the slogan “Hydro Dynamics” was held on Saturday, 20 January, in Primary School Ilija Birčanin in Zemun Polje.

Такмичење у роботици „Вода је жива“

Pupils of primary and secondary schools, 19 teams from Serbia and one from Macedonia, were dealing with the topic of water and in the field of robotics they offered innovative solutions for life problems related to water.

The tournament was organised within the project of the EduLab Association, for raising the digital competences of the young through competitions in the field of coding, supported in the Public Competition for programmes for development of information society, of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications.

Такмичење у роботици „Вода је жива“

The competition was attended by the winners of the competition in robotics organised by the Ministry held in the Science Research Station Petnica in October 2017, for schools which were part of the campaign for smart and safe use of new technologies of the IT Caravan 02.

The teams which had the best results in the FLL in Belgrade qualified for the next competition at the Regional Tournament of the Adria region, to be held in Celje on 10 March 2018.