Cisco to transfer IT know-how and experience to Serbia

The Serbian Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and Cisco, one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of Internet equipment, signed today a memorandum of understanding that will make it possible to intensify the existing cooperation.

The document envisions cooperation in modernizing the technological network and developing e-business, information security and the academic network, Minister Rasim Ljajić said after the signing of the memorandum with Peter Hajdu, Cisco General Director for South East Europe.

Циско преноси ИТ знања и искуства Србији

Almost 70 percent of equipment used in Internet traffic is manufactured by Cisco, Ljajić said.
The mere fact that Cisco invests USD 5.5 billion in innovation each year indicates the size and significance of the company, noted Ljajić.

This is an exceptional day for Cisco, too, and just formalizes the strategic partnership that already exists with the Serbian government, said Hajdu, announcing training for instructors in the field.