Celebration of World Telecommunication and Information Society

Deputy Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Nebojsa Vasiljevic took part in a roundtable on the occasion of World Telecommunication Day organized by the Ministry and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

Vasiljevic said that IT spending in Serbia is 58 Euros per resident, while the average in the top 15 countries in the EU is around 600 Euros, and that the State has made a special package of incentives to help the development of software industry.

Internet usage is increasing productivity by more than 10 percent of the small and medium enterprises, said a representative of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Zdravko Jelušić. According to him, small and medium enterprises that use information and communication technologies and the Internet have double export and in the same time grow faster than others.

In the world the day May 17th is marks as Telecommunications and Information Society Day, the anniversary of the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865 or the date the formation of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Paris.

This year’s theme of World Telecommunication and Information Society, as stated in his message the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-mun, information and communication technologies and the improvement of road safety.