Campaign against Counterfeit Toys Begins

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, in cooperation with the Intellectual Property Office, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Ministry of the Interior, the Republic Public Prosecutor and Serbian Chamber of Commerce, is initiating an awareness-raising campaign among consumers regarding the harmful consequences that may result from counterfeit products, reflecting three high-risk categories of products: toys, food and mobile telephone equipment.

The campaign begins on Thursday, 17 December by promoting and distributing the first publication regarding counterfeit toys.
The publication on counterfeit toys was handed out today to parents and teachers in kindergartens in Belgrade.

The publication on counterfeit toys carries a key message for parents: Surely you would not risk the life of your child!
The publication contains information on purchasing counterfeit toys that could severely endanger the health of the child.

Counterfeit toys are usually cheaper than originals, but they can easily break and endanger the safety of the child.

Counterfeit toys are usually produced under illegal conditions and without respect for health and safety regulations. The raw materials used to produce counterfeit toys do not undergo control and may contain large amounts of poison, including chemicals that may cause severe health-related consequences. The standard of manufacture of such toys is usually low and frequently small parts of these toys break off, placing the child at risk of choking.

During 2014, the competent bodies seized over 107,000 counterfeit toys intended for consumers in Serbia. These counterfeit toys could have endangered children and were stopped at the border or recalled from retail facilities where consumers shop.
Consumers should think well when purchasing counterfeit toys. Specifically, consumers should pay attention to the price, the quality of product, the place of sale and the packaging.

If a consumer, after purchase, finds they have bought a counterfeit toy, they should contact the manufacturer of the original toy or the Market Inspection at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tel: +381 (11) 361 4334, E-mail:
The activity is supported by the IPA 2011 Twinning Project – Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, financed from EU funds.

Сигурно не бисте ризиковали живот свог детета!
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