Beginning of the contemporary IT education

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has congratulated to the generation of pupils of the fifth grade of primary school, which this year starts with the curriculum with the information and computing as a mandatory subject.

“This school year can be considered for a historic in the context of contemporary digital development, due to the introduction of the necessary information education for primary school pupils”, says Ms Matić.

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“Thanks to this subject”, she added, “the pupils will be skilled for algorithm way of thinking and application of that knowledge and solving problems in this field, but also get ready for future professional choices in which digital skills and digital culture will be the starting point”.

“Also, learning about IT from the very early age, will contribute to raising of the staff potentials, or a higher interest among the young in the IT industry, which has the biggest demand for job positions”, State Secretary has said.

She has reminded that with the goal of the support to the introduction of the mandatory subject of IT in the curriculum, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications has funded the creation of multimedia manuals for coding for fifth and sixth grade within the initiative “Code!”, which are available to the public, as well as other projects for raising the level of skills of pupils in the field of coding, within the Public Competition for coding for development of the information society.

“Two major infrastructural projects have been realised, connection of all schools in Serbia to the Academic network and the introduction of Wi-Fi in schools in rural areas, which will contribute to quality teaching of IT and give the full purpose of the installed digital offices”, Ms Matić has concluded.