Awards handed out for a project financed by the Ministry

Assistant Minister for Information Society at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Sava Savić, attended today, at the business incubator “Gnezdo”, the ceremonial announcement of the winners in the competition “My first application”, a project implemented by the Association of Citizens “iSerbia” as part of the public call for the allocation of funds for programs in the field of information society in the Republic of Serbia 2014.

Within the theme “Competition in the field of computer science, mathematics and physics,” the project of the Association “iSerbia” entitled “My first application” is one of six projects supported by the Ministry in this category.

Уручене награде на пројекту финансираном од стране Министарства

Assistant Minister Sava Savić said that information and communication technologies imply continuous learning, training and research because the IT industry is rapidly changing, and pointed out that if young people want to be competitive in the labor market, they must constantly keep up with the latest trends and look for new solutions.

“In Serbia, the IT industry one of the fastest growing branches recording positive results. Every year, software exports increases by 20-30% and the export of software earns Serbia 300 million euros,” said Savić.

70 participants, aged 18 to 22 years, passed the training and 30 of the best students were given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and to work on developing their applications.

Assistant Minister Sava Savić awarded the winner of the competition with a tablet, and the most interesting mobile applications arising from this project were presented to the media and can be found on the following link