Around 700,000 people are expected at “Beer Fest”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Rasim Ljajić said that “Beer Fest” is beyond doubt the most popular event in Serbia, with 700,000 visitors a year, and expressed his belief that this year’s turnout would be as high as it was in previous years.

“We hope that at least a third of the visitors will come from abroad”, said Ljajić during a news conference organized on the occasion of the 13th “Beer Fest” Music Festival which will take place in Belgrade from August 19 to 23.

The list of most popular festivals in the country also includes the Leskovac Grill Festival (around 600,000 visitors annually), Guča Trumpet Festival (300,000 visitors per year), Zaječar Guitar Festival (around 200,000 visitors per year) and Exit Festival (190,000 visitors per year).

Around 160 events take place in Serbia every August and the government is ready to provide assistance to cities and organizations involved in the realization of the festivals, added Ljajić.

Belgrade Mayor Siniša Mali stated that almost 7 million people visited “Beer Fest” in the past 12 years.

“Belgrade is an interesting destination for tourists and their stays in Belgrade are extending, which is why we need to offer them fresh programs”, added Mali.