Agreement with ORACLE for new solutions in the field of digital marketing

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić and vice president for sale of ORACLE application for Central and Eastern Europe Cesare Capobianco have signed early today, in the Palace of Serbia, a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of information and communication technologies, defining that Serbia will get the best quality digital local self-government, new solutions in the field of digital marketing, and a bigger number of educated IT experts.

Agreement with ORACLE for new solutions in the field of digital marketing

The Agreement defines the cooperation in the field of digitalisation of local self-government, digital marketing and cooperation on training of new IT experts in Serbia.

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia Rasim Ljajić has said that he is happy for having Serbia initiated the partnership with one of five largest IT companies in the world.

He has said that ORACLE has trained 275 IT experts this year, and that it works together with 191 education institution in Serbia.

“Our plan is, with each year having additional 1.500 experts, as many as Serbia can get every year, to raise the number of experts up to 6.000 and 7.000 in the upcoming period, in order to keep the pace with the new age and new world”, Mr Ljajić has said.

He has said that Serbia will gain benefits in the field of digital marketing, and become recognised in the world, while local self-governments becoming digitalised will be able to follow the performance of every single employee and measure his efficiency in the public administration.

“Objective is the promotion of Serbia in the field of digital marketing in tourism in different ways compered to those from the past, such as our presentation in various tourism fairs through pamphlets and brochures”, Mr Ljajić has stated.

ORACLE was established in 1977, and it is one of the largest world companies in IT technology, and it has been present in Serbia since 2003.

“Today we all have become a new type of consumers in this closely connected world, since today the time has come to connect and this is only one step towards strengthening of our company and Serbia”, Mr Capabianco has said.