Adoption of guidelines for promoting the role of ICT in education

The document entitled “Guidelines for promoting the role of ICT in education” was adopted at the meeting of the National Education Council (NEC). The document was drafted by a working group which included Assistant to the Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Nebojša Vasiljević, as well as numerous other participants in the field of education. The guidelines aim to improve education in the Republic of Serbia through the use of new technologies.

Due to the complexity of the issue of successful integration of technology in the education system, as well as the lack of documents to assist in the formulation of an educational policy in this area, the National Education Council has initiated the drafting of the document “Guidelines for promoting the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education”. In the preparation of this document, NEC was guided by the fact that the Education Development Strategy in Serbia until 2020 recognizes the importance of the role of ICT in improving the education system.

Acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of ICT is a prerequisite for social inclusion in the contemporary society and the labor market. Digital literacy leads to the acquisition of digital competences, which is one of the eight key competences which the European Union and the European Commission defined as a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for life in a knowledge-based society.

The Guidelines for promoting the role of ICT in education can be downloaded from the website of the National Education Council.