Adopted Proposal for the Law on Electronic Communications

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, Tatjana Matić has said that with the adoption of the Proposal for the Law on Electronic Communications, in today’s session, Serbian Government reaffirmed its European commitment and willingness of Serbia to be involved in contemporary technological developments.

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“The new Law on Electronic Communications will bring to the full harmonisation with the existing regulatory frame of the European Union of 2009, and will eliminate the shortcomings of the existing law identified through its previous application. The new solutions will ensure the improvement of business of operators of electronic communications, strengthening of competition on the market, and a better protection of the rights of users of electronic communication services, especially in terms of out-of-court dispute settlement, prevention of excessive bills and parental control service”, says Ms Matić, expressing the expectations that the mentioned effects will contribute to the faster development of the market of electronic communication in the Republic of Serbia.

She has reminded that one of the most significant novelties is the introduction of the obligation for mobile operators to register prepaid users.

“In that way we will prevent the abuse of electronic communications, including the following: making malicious phone calls and harassment, false alarms, various forms of frauds, organisation of terroristic activities and other forms of severe criminal acts”, says State Secretary.

She has stressed that the Law will ensure the creation of conditions for optimal and efficient use of radio-frequency spectrum which is a significant government resource, through the introduction of new technologies into the relevant frequency scopes.