Adopted guidelines for risk assessment of money laundering and terrorism financing for taxpayers performing the activity of mediation in real estate trade and lease

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has signed new Guidelines for risk assessment for money laundering and terrorism financing for taxpayers performing the activity of mediation in real estate trade and lease, adopted for identification of the basic goal and minimal standards of action of taxpayers, when creating and implementing the procedures based on risk analysis and assessment, with the aim to establish an efficient system of prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing in the Republic of Serbia.
Creation of new Guidelines was necessary, due to the harmonisation of the applicable with the new changes on the real estate market, so that with the adoption of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (“Official Gazette of RS”, no 139/14), and with its entry into force and implementation of other bylaws, with intensive monitoring of the progress made by the Republic of Serbia by the European Committee “MONEYVAL”, we have created conditions for the creation of a new legal act which is binding for all taxpayers, performing the activity of medication in real estate trade and lease.

Taxpayers have to harmonise their activities with the content and create internal acts, not later than 20 days from the date of signing the Guidelines, in line with the provisions of the Law.
The Guidelines for prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing for taxpayers performing the activity of mediation in real estate trade, applied since 10th February 2010, shall cease to be valid starting from the day of entry into force of these Guidelines. The Guidelines shall enter into force on the day of signing and publishing on the web page of the Ministry.

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