A Seminar on “Control of the export of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods”

As a member of the UN, and a significant exporter of arms and military equipment in the region of South East Europe, Serbia fully complies with all its international obligations – compliance with the UN Security Council Resolutions, the recommendations of the OSCE and the EU’s decisions, said the State Secretary Nikčević, adding that the economic empowerment of the state and its international credibility implies a great degree of responsibility in the field of export of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods

The Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications organized a seminar for Serbian businessmen entitled “Control of the export of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods” under the patronage of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control – BAFA.

The aim of the seminar was the development of the national export control system of the Republic of Serbia (Control of foreign trade of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods).

Several presentations were given by the representatives of the Ministry and guests speakers (the presentations on serbian can be downloaded on the following links):

Представљање новог Закона о извозу и увозу робе двоструке намене
Представљање новог Закона о извозу и увозу робе двоструке намене Јасмина Роскић, Министарство спољне и унутрашње трговине и телекомуникација
940.4 KB
547 Преузимања
Motivations for effective export controls
Motivations for effective export controls Helmut Krehlik, Head of Division, Export and Import Control (retired), Ministry of Economic Affairs, Austria
262.1 KB
563 Преузимања
Представљање предложених решења у новом Закону о извозу и увозу НВО
Представљање предложених решења у новом Закону о извозу и увозу НВО Јасмина Роскић, Министарство спољне и унутрашње трговине и телекомуникација
204.6 KB
587 Преузимања
Сертификовање привредних субјеката
Сертификовање привредних субјеката Бојан Стаменковић, Канцеларијa савета за националну безбедност и заштиту тајних података
1.1 MB
921 Преузимања
Извештавање по Додатном протоколу
Извештавање по Додатном протоколу Милијана Стељић, Агенција за заштиту од јонизујућег зрачења и нуклеарну сигурност Србије
2.8 MB
513 Преузимања

Industry approach and the role of suppliers’ internal compliance
Industry approach and the role of suppliers’ internal compliance Spencer Chilvers, Head of Export Control Policy and Civil Nuclear, Rolls Royce plc
163.9 KB
298 Преузимања

During the seminar there was a lively discussion between businessmen and the representatives of the Ministry on some of the current issues which significantly contributed to achieving the primary objective of the seminar.