A round table on real estate trade held in the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce

Upon the invitation of the FIABCI Slovenia and Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije, the representative of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications participated in the round table in Ljubljana on October 27, 2016, regarding the adoption of a new Slovenian Law on Mediation in Real Estate Trade and Leasing.

Округли сто о промету некретнина у Привредној комори Словеније

“Exchange of experience among Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia in this field is very important. Many participants of the expert discussion have pointed out that Serbia has the best legal framework”, says Senior Counsellor Željko Stojanović. However, Slovenia adopted its first Law on Mediation in Real Estate Trade and Leasing in 2003, Croatia in 2007, and Serbia in 2013.

The opinion of the professional public is that Serbia has achieved excellent results in the implementation of the Law in a very short time period of almost three years.