700 Iranian Tourists in Serbia in March

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić met today with the president of the largest Iranian tour-operator “Iran markaz International” Yaghoub Ghasemi, discussing organized visits by tourists from Iran to Serbia.

The President of “Iran markaz International” Ghasemi told Deputy Prime Minister Ljajić that his agency will bring the first 700 Iranian tourists to our country in March next year, as well as that if a charter airline is established between Tehran and Belgrade, regular groups of tourists will be arriving to Serbia from Iran during the period between June and September.

The “Iran markaz International” tour operator intends, noted Ghassemi, to position Belgrade as the central point for Iranian tourist trips across South-Eastern Europe.

The visit by the President of “Iran markaz International” to Belgrade is the result of the Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Tourism between the two countries, signed in Tehran last week by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić, and the Vice President of Iran and Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization Chief, Masoud Soltanifar.

“Iran markaz International” is cooperating with approximately 1,700 tourist organizations from European Union countries, Russia, China and other states, and manages half a million tourist arrangements annually.