Expecting the record year for tourism

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić expects that this year will be a record one when it comes to the number of tourists in Serbia.

Being a guest at the Pink Television he said that the accommodation capacities in Sokobanja are full until October, and that Zlatibor is booked even in private accommodation and that Belgrade is packed with tourists.

The ambitious plan for Belgrade and Serbia, which is one million i.e. three million tourists, will be surpassed.

“In these first six months Belgrade has been visited by 444.000 tourists, and still we have Beer Fest ahead and numerous other events, so that we are sure reach the figure of one million tourists”, says Mr Ljajić.

In the first six months in Serbia there were 1.4 million tourists, he adds, and the events such as Guča, Nishville, Roštiljijada and many other events are still ahead.

“The question is how much the record will be surpassed”, he emphasized, reminding that last year the revenues from tourism were 1.042 billion, and that this year they are expected to reach 1.2 billion euros.