- The President of the Republic of Serbia
- The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
- The Government of the Republic of Serbia
- The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
- Serbian Armed Forces
- The National Bank of Serbia
- eGovernment Portal
- Ministry of Defense
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Economy
- Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Culture and Information
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
- Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy
- Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
- Ministry of Youth and Sports
- Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure
- Ministry of Energy and Mining
- Office for Sustainable Development of Undeveloped Areas
- Republic Geodetic Authority
- Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage
- National Health Insurance Fund
- Republic Institute for Statistics
- The National Employment Service
- Seismological Survey of Serbia
- Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia
- Privatization Agency
- The Serbian Business Registers Agency
- National Agency for Regional Development
- Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency
- Republic Broadcasting Agency
- Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services
- The Anti-Corruption Agency
- Directorate for eGovrenment
- Tax Administration
- Customs Administration
- Public Procurement Office
- Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies