Serbia prospective investment destination for Italian chain Eurospin

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic spoke today in Verona with the owner of the largest Italian discount chain Eurospin Luigi Mion about the possibilities for the arrival of this chain to Serbia.

A statement by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications says that during his stay in Verona, Ljajic visited the headquarters of Eurospin.

Mion underlined that Serbia is rated positively in the development plans of this discount chain, and that after Italy, Slovenia and Croatia where Eurospin has its retail stores, Serbia is the next prospective investment destination.

He announced that his company will make a detailed analysis of the Serbian market, after which it will make a decision on the opportunities and the pace of the country’s entry on the Serbian market.

Eurospin is the largest discount chain in Italy and has more than 900 stores in which prices are lower up to 30% in relation to competitor retail chains.

Upon entering a foreign market, this chain opens a minimum of 15 stores and a large distribution centre, it is added in the statement.