The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Marks 9 February – Safer Internet Day

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, in cooperation with the Centre for Safer Internet Serbia, will mark Safer Internet Day on 9 February 2016 at the House of...

The Price of “Sava” Bread Remains the Same

The Government of the Republic of Serbia extended the decree whereby the retail price of “sava” bread is limited to a maximum price of up to 46 dinars per...

During the 20 Days of January 1,100 citizens Requested Tourist Vouchers

During the 20 days since the issuing of the call for awarding tourist vouchers, 1,100 citizens have applied, stated today Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and...

Matić Presents Diplomas to Awarded Authors in “Digital Class” Competition

State Secretary Tatjana Matić presented diplomas to the awarded authors in the “Digital Class” competition for primary school teachers for the school year 2015/2016 during a ceremony held at...

Opening of the Laboratory for Atomic Physics at the Faculty of Physics

State Secretary Tatjana Matić, the Dean of the Faculty of Physics prof. dr Ljubiša Zeković and the President of the Society of Physicists of Serbia prof. dr Ivan Dojčinović...

700 Iranian Tourists in Serbia in March

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić met today with the president of the largest Iranian tour-operator “Iran markaz International” Yaghoub Ghasemi, discussing organized...