Mr Ljajić opening the „First Wine Marathon“ in Palić

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has opened today the event “First Wine Marathon” in Palić, and stressed that this festival has the...

27 September – World Tourism Day of 2017

On 27 September, the World Tourism Day, high officials of the United Nations, sent the message to tourists around the globe, with the aim to contribute to raising the...

Starting the retraining programme for women in ICT

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said that the retraining and additional training programmes for women in ICT one of the significant...

Ceremonial academy on the Day of Mathematical Grammar School

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has congratulated to the teachers and pupils of the Mathematical Grammar School for the 51st anniversary of...

In line with the Conclusion of the Board for economy and finance of the Government since 13 September 2017, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications is publishing a...

There are needs for further strengthening of protection of children online

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has welcomed the continuous efforts of the Foundation “Tijana Jurić”, organising the conference “Safety and Responsibility” in...