The National interoperability framework was adopted

During today’s session, the Government adopted the National interoperability framework which sets the guidelines for establishing and implementing interoperability in public administration in the Republic of Serbia. The reform...

Ljajić: The completion of the digitalization process is possible by the end of 2014

The transition to digital signal in Serbia could be completed by the end of this year, although the official deadline is June 17, 2015, said the Deputy Prime Minister...

A collective agreement was signed in the public enterprise Post of Serbia

A collective agreement was signed today at the PE Post of Serbia in Belgrade; the agreement will be valid for the 15000 employees in that enterprise. The collective agreement...

Nebojša Vasiljević: Hour of Code

Everyone agrees that children should be computer literate, but we would receive various answers to the question whether this includes programming literacy as well. The dynamic development of information technology is...

Adoption of guidelines for promoting the role of ICT in education

The document entitled “Guidelines for promoting the role of ICT in education” was adopted at the meeting of the National Education Council (NEC). The document was drafted by a...

A Working Group was formed in order to consolidate the infrastructure of the information systems of state bodies

A decision to form a Working Group to consolidate the infrastructure of the information systems of state bodies was adopted today at the session of the Government of the...