IT caravan 02 visiting Zaječar

About 150 pupils of primary schools „Ljuba Nešić“ and „Desanka Maksimović“ participated in the presentation on advantages and dangers of using new technologies, held in the congress hall of...

Serbia as the 4th in the world for transparency in exporting small and light weapons

In the regular annual publication “Trade Update 2016, Transfers and Transparency”, dealing with trade in small and light weapons, Serbia takes the fourth position on the world list for...

New technological centre in Valjevo

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has underlined at the opening of the Start-up Centre in Valjevo, that the development of local IT...

IT Caravan 02 in Niš

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Tatjana Matić has pointed out while visiting the campaign IT Caravan 02 in Niš that building the digital competences...

Joint solutions for stabilisation of “Agrokor“ concern

Participants of today’s meeting, aware of the importance of “Agrokor” group for all countries in the region, and its influence on the economy of every country and share in...

Joint solutions for stabilisation of “Agrokor“ concern

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said that after the meeting on the operations of Agrokor, Serbia is in a better position...