IT Caravan 02 for primary school pupils in Subotica

“The Internet is a great place both for having fun and for learning, but in this virtual world what you need at the same is to be careful as...

Our goal is to make Serbia the regional centre for Chinese investment

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said early today that the goal is to make Belgrade and Serbia the regional centre for...

Competition for granting subsidies for preservation and development of traditional crafts in 2017

Ministry is publishing the Competition for granting subsidies for preservation and development of traditional crafts in 2017 with the total amount of 10.000.000 dinars. Economic entities can apply for...

Serbia has conditions for implementation of new technological solutions

“In the light of the latest global cyber-attack, it has been proved once again that the information safety is a key factor in the development of information society and...

Extraordinary meeting of the Coordination Body for Information Safety Affairs

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has organised an extraordinary meeting of the Coordination Body for Information Safety Affairs of the Republic of Serbia on the global ransomware attacks...

Digital transformation of culture for its preservation and promotion

“Digital transformation of culture is necessary for a long-lasting preservation of digitalised cultural heritage and contemporary art, provision of permanent and reliable access to the cultural heritage, but also...