Notification on a tender for financing public interest programs in the area of consumer protection for 2014

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is publishing a valuation and ranking list for a tender for financing public interest programs in the area of consumer protection for...

In case of emergency, call 112

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, in collaboration with mobile phone operators Telekom, VIP and Telenor, enabled the use of the number 112 for emergency response; it may...

Notice for traders on how to act in an emergency situation

To whom it may concern, Taking into account the need to prevent market disruptions in the supply of basic foodstuffs (bottled drinking water, bread, milk, oil), it is necessary...

Ljajić ordered increased inspections of traders during the emergency situation

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia Rasim Ljajić, ordered today increased inspections of trade facilities due to complaints about unjustified...

Tourism is not an expense but an investment

The revenue from tourism in Serbia last year totaled 2.5 billion USD, and the foreign exchange inflow from foreign tourists alone was 800 million euros. This demonstrates the vitality...

Saudi Arabia and UAE tourists in Serbian spas soon

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are interested in signing long-term agreements on cooperation in tourism with Serbia, stated the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade,...