Prize winning contest „Digital Hour“ 2016/2017

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has made a decision on selecting the papers awarded in the prize winning contest “Digital Hour” for the school year 2016/2017. In the...

Decision on selection of programmes in the field of information society development in the Republic of Serbia

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is publishing the final results of the Public Call for granting funds for programmes in the field of development of information society in...

Ms Pindžo at the presentation of the campaign „Serbia – Everything I love“

Assistant Minister for Tourism Ms Renata Pindžo, has said that according to the current results it has been assessed that the foreign currency inflow from tourism in 2016 will...

Executive Director of the World Tourism Organisation congratulates Mr Ljajić for impressive results

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has met today with the executive director of the World Tourism Organisation (UNTWO) Marcio Favilla, with whom...

E-Business boosted in Serbia with the EU support

In today’s final conference “Developing e-Business in Serbia – outcomes and challenges”, thirty small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs received the e-Trustmark. Thanks to the EU support through the...

Adopted strategic documents for development of IT industry and promotion of information safety

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has said that the adoption of the Strategy for development of the IT industry, adopted by the...