RATEL appointed the body for evaluating coordination of RTT equipment in accordance with the Rules on RTT equipment

Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society appointed RATEL on May 29, 2012 for the body for coordination of RTT equipment with important requests from the Rules on RTT…

How to make Serbian government more open?

Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society – Digital Agenda Administration, in cooperation with USAID, organized the presenting of Open Government Partnership and discussion on the topic “How to...

Analysis of the contract of mobile telephony operators in Serbia

On November 28, 2011, in the Belgrade Media Center, roundtable on the topic of consumer protection in the area of electronic communications was held. On this meeting, organized by...

Digital broadcast of TV stations in DVB-T2 standard started

In the Initial network testing, the signal is being broadcast from 15 locations all over the Serbia. 13 out of 15 locations are the transmission locations: Avala, Crveni Čot, Goč,...

Ljajic announced stabilization of market in coal supplies

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and the Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajić said this morning that all the available measures will be used to...

Specification on minimal technical demands and a Manual for testing STB and digital TV receivers

The Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society made a Specification on the minimal technical demands that need to be fulfilled by devices for reception of digital terrestrial TV...