Rasim Ljajić: We will prevent shortages and big price rises

We will prevent shortages and drastic price hikes for staples – edible oil, sugar, milk.  We are preparing and adopting new measures on a dialy base, so that citizens would...

About investment plans of Delhaize Group for Serbia

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and the Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajić talked today with the Delegation of Delhaize Group, led by the CEO...

There is no reason for increase of milk prices

Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić stated that there is no reason for increase of milk price, announcing that he will talk to producers about...

Revoked customs on import of cereals

Serbian Government reached a decision on temporary revoking of customs on import of cereals and oil seeds until the next harvest. This is one of Government’s measures for mitigation of consequences...

Edible oil from Commodity Reserves is coming

Edible oil from Commodity Reserves is coming to big retail chains in around 20 cities in Serbia. Commodity Reserves Directorate says that there is oil and that over the...

Revoking of customs on staples is being considered

Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić stated that, if measures of interventions from commodity reserves do not provide results, they will consider the possibility of...