Rasim Ljajic: No measure which would benefit to everyone

INTERVIEW – ‘VREME’ WEEKLY MAGAZINE Several times since I came to this position, I heard about suspicions that Commodity Reserves do not contain as much goods as it is...

Iraqis asking for Serbian construction workers and entrepreneurs

Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajić arranged in Baghdad with representatives of the Iraqi Government that an economic-political delegation will...

Constitutional session of the National Council for Consumer Protection held

National Council for Consumer Protection, presided over by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić, held a constitutional session today, where...

Another 3,000 tons of edible oil with a special label from Commodity Reserves

Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajic announced today that the Ministry will intervene next week with another 3,000 tons of edible oil from commodity reserves,...

Project for strengthening the system of market supervision

In the next two years, a project for strengthening the system of market supervision for food and non-food products will be realized in Serbia. A total of 2.85 million...

IT market development

Consumption in the Serbian market of information technology (IT) is less than 70 euros per capita and in order to increase it, first of all the economy needs to...