Safer Internet Day – “Let’s create a better Internet together”

This year’s Safer Internet Day will be celebrated worldwide on February 11, and the theme for the day is: “Let’s create a better Internet together”. The Ministry of Foreign and Internal...

Vasiljević: No major problems when importing IT equipment

Assistant Minister for electronic communications, information society and postal services in the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Nebojša Vasiljević said at a panel discussion on “Importing...

Lazarević: Chapter 10 should be seen as a developmental opportunity to modernize our economy

State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Stefan Lazarević participated today at the “Introduction to the process of EU accession negotiations and the role...

The biggest successes in IT in 2013

In the new issue of PC Press, Nikola Marković from the Serbian Society for Informatics (DIS) summarizes some of the major accomplishments from 2013, in the field of IT,...

Growing trade surplus with CEFTA countries

According to the data of the National Statistical Office, Serbia has achieved a 1.73 billion dollars surplus in trade with CEFTA countries as a result of increasing exports of...

The second day of explanatory screening in the EC in Brussels

State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić thanked the representatives of the European Commission on their detailed presentations, instructions, recommendations and support....