Collection of brokerage fee from the buyer and seller of real estate – legal provisions

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications draws the attention of intermediaries to harmonize its business with legal regulations when it comes to the collection of brokerage fees. Namely,...

Ljajić: “Fiat” exports important for the whole economy

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić told RTS that the technical phase of negotiations with the Eurasian Union will include the contingent of...

Business and trade centre of Iran in Belgrade in two months

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić met today in separate meetings with the Ambassador of Iran Majid Fahim Pour and the Ambassador of...

Congratulations to young IT medal winners

State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tatjana Matić, congratulated the young Serbian IT students on the medals won at 28th International Olympiad in Informatics in...

Ljajić: Export to Germany increased by 26 per cent

Serbian export to Germany from January to June this year increased by 26 per cent, comparing to the same period last year, and it reached EUR 877 million, as...

Kovač: We expect a stabilisation of the meat price in the days to come

State Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Ms Vesna Kovač has said that she expects a stabilisation of the meat price in the days to come. Ms Kovač has...