Infrastructure and programmes for contemporary education

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has said at the opening of the professional meeting “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, that encouraging...

Public competition for granting funds for programmes in the field of information society development

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is making a public call for all interested associations, foundations and legacies, having the status of a non-government organisation, tu submit programme proposals...

Media campaign on online safety of children

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication has launched a media campaign on online safety of children and promotion of digital literacy, in line with the Regulation on Children Safety...

Contract on exporting water with Kuwait opens new opportunities for Serbian business

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Lajić has said early today in Belgrade, when signing the contract on exporting the first contingent of water...

Savić: Digital banking as a framework of digital economy

At the opening of the conference and exhibition of banking technologies named “Tehnobank 2015”, Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić has stressed that Serbian banking sector, following the...

Steady business of „Dijaman“ and „Frikom“

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Rasim Ljajić and Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Branislav Nedimović have meet today with the director...