Improving the economic relations of Serbia and Croatia

There was the first constitutional session of the Joint Board for the implementation and encouraging of economic cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Croatia held in...

IT Caravan 03 in Subotica

IT Caravan 03, a school campaign of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, for a beneficial and safe use of digital technologies, has been presented in Subotica, in...

Mrs Pindžo: Ambitious plans for boosting the competitiveness of Serbia and application of new technologies in tourism

At the 25th Kopaonik Business Forum the Assistant Minister for Tourism Renata Pindžo has presented the planned reform of Serbian tourism which goal is to modernise and introduce digital...

Day of Internet Domain of Serbia

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said at the ceremonial opening of the conference about the Day of Internet Domain of Serbia,...

Tomorrow agreement on flour or Serbian countermeasures

If there are no solutions for the issue made by the Macedonian Government two weeks ago by introducing non-tariff barriers for the export of flour from Serbia to Macedonia,...

Љајић : Свака туристичка година у Србији боља од претходне

Потпредседник Владе и министар трговине, туризма и телекомуникација Расим Љајић изјавио је на отварању 40. Међународног сајма туризма да је стратешка одлука државе да ради на развијању туризма у...