In the competition organized traditionally by PC Press, the eGovernment Portal was classified among the top 50 websites in Serbia and was ranked first in the category Society and...
Information Technology Fair “IT 14” at the gallery “Progres”
Assistant to the Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Nebojša Vasiljević, will open the Information Technology Fair “IT 14”, today, at 12h, at the gallery “Progres” in...
Tatjana Matić in the EC in Brussels
State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić and Deputy Head of Unit for Serbia, DG Enlargement of EU Simona Gatti opened a...
Price of bread remains at 46 RSD
The Serbian Government adopted a decree, at today’s meeting, setting the maximum retail price of T-500 bread at RSD 46. This decree shall enter into force on February 1,...
Tatjana Matić is heading the Serbian delegation at the explanatory screening in the European Commission in Brussels
State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić is heading the delegation which will attend the explanatory screening meeting for chapter 3: Right...
The Register of real estate brokers will be formed by May 2014
The main goals of the new Law on Real Estate Brokerage are the development of consumer protection, improving the quality of services in that field and strengthening the role...