Deputy Prime Minister Ljajić opened a refrigeration distribution center in Zrenjanin

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić said, at the opening of the refrigeration distribution center of the “Gomeks” company in Zrenjanin that we need to change the laws and complex procedures in order for more foreign investors to come to Serbia.

He pointed out that the construction of the facility took 97 days, while the licensing process was 147 days long, despite the great support that the company had from local governments.

Deputy Prime Minister Ljajić said that “Gomeks” is a model of a successful retail chain and that Serbia will be better when it has more companies like that.

The director of “Gomeks” Goran Kovačević said that the new refrigeration distribution center has more than one thousand square meters and that more than 1000 tons of fresh meat will be processed and packed there on an annual level, and about 3.5 tons of dried meat products collected from suppliers will be stored there.

The “Gomeks” market chain has 113 retail stores, employing 1100 workers.