The signing of a Cooperation Agreement in the field of ICT Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić together with the Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro and the Minister of Information Society and Telecommunications Vujica Lazović and the Minister of Information Society in Macedonia Ivo Ivanovski will sign in Budva a Cooperation Agreement in the field of information and communications technologies.

The signing of the trilateral international Agreement will take place on Thursday October 3, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. in the ceremonial hall of Hotel “Maestral” in Budva.

The Cooperation Agreement in the field of information and communications technologies between Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia envisages the development of the trilateral cooperation in the fields of telecommunications and information society as well as the creation of the conditions for investment and joint ventures in projects of mutual interest.