OSCE’s support in the process of digitalization

Head of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, Pola Tide, havecalled the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications that the national television frequency, which remained vacant by shutting down TV “Avala”, used in the digitalization process.

According to a letter, that Tide sent to Minister Rasim Ljajic, the OSCE Mission to Serbia is closely monitoring the process of television digitalization because of its importance for the future of electronic media and on media pluralism in the country.

“I would like to welcome the recent decision of the RBA to not allowed a free national frequency to anyone of the tender participants and to encourage you to choose this frequency for the implementation of digitalization,” said Tide.

This, as she said, would be in full compliance with the commitment to accelerate implementation of the strategy of digitalization in Serbia.

“We understand that in this process there are a lot of obstacles, including the lack of available frequencies, thatmaking impossible on charge of Public Company Emision technique to expand the network to test the system, to test installed equipment in which they are invested significant resources and to organize parallel broadcasting ofanalogue and digital TV signals, in the period before the deadline for the transition on digital broadcasting in June 2015” said Tide.

She said that delayed or poorly implemented digitalizationwould be very harmful for both the broadcasters and the citizens of Serbia, adding that the release frequency for digitization is initiated the process and allow being finished on time.

Bearing in mind a lot of benefits for the citizens of Serbia, including in a quality television signal, new channels and more choice of programs content, as to increase the state revenue from free frequencies, it is essential that thepreparations for the transition to digital broadcasting should be accelerate, says Tide.

She added that the Mission is ready to help the Ministry andto other authorities in Serbia to complete the digitalizationprocess as planned.