Electronic billing is the future

Electronic commerce in Serbia accounts for a small share of total trade, but has been an increase because the number of people who have purchased online in the past year was 600,000 which is 220,000 more than the previous year, said Deputy Director of the Digital Agenda Sava Savic, at the “E-invoices via e-channel banking”, held in Belgrade, organized by Halcom company.

This shows that our market is very promising for the development of e-business, Savic said, and adding that the introduction of e-invoices in the local business economy and companies become more efficient, and will save a lot of resources on administration.

According to him, the important issue for the development of e-commerce and e-business in Serbia business is the adoption of the Payment Services.

Savic was also noted that by the end of the year will pass the legislation on electronic commerce that will unite the two laws that are now in the implementation of the Law on Electronic Signature and Electronic Documents Act, which store electronic documents will be improved and aligned with the new European regulations about for electronic signature.