Croatia’s EU accession will bring Serbian dominance in the CEFTA region

Croatia’s accession to the EU will be made Serbia a number of advantages such as dominant position in the CEFTA region and increasing trade surplus with the surrounding countries, and is expected to more investment, estimated today at the expert meeting “CEFTA after accession to the EU” held at SCC Belgrade.

Deputy Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Bojana Todorović said that CEFTA is a modern treaty will soon open a new chapter in services.

She noted that the EU is the first trade partner of Serbia, and the market goes to 56 percent of exports, and the other one is CEFTA with about 17 percent.

Speaking of duties on tobacco, Todorović explained that because of the problems that are faced by the domestic tobacco industry would not be right to preferential treatment transferred from CEFTA to the EU because of the danger of competition.

We understand the problem and defend it in front of the EU, she said, pointing to expect or to mitigate the principle of preference or not to apply.

The European Commission has launched negotiations with all CEFTA amending the SAA and its associated annexes, in order to maintain the same for Croatia terms of exports to their markets.

In early June, is expecting the answer from the European Commission, said Todorovic.

Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Vincent Dezer pointed out the many advantages of CEFTA, which prepares the region for integration processes and stabilize the market.

He said that the EU supports the traditional local products, but should be in line with EU standards.

Dezer said that investors need to point out all the benefits of CEFTA.

President of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia Zeljko Sertić said that the Chamber supports the local agriculture-food sector to retain existing duties.

Some things will be mitigating some aggravating, but our collaboration will stay strong and big, said Sertić and has congratulated the Croatian Ambassador Zeljko Kupresak to soon country’s membership in the EU.