Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development – FP7 is the biggest research and development program of the European Union, and it is the basic mechanism for research financing in the period from 2007 to 2013. Seventh Framework Programme has the objective to contribute to the realization of the goals of the Lisbon Strategy and development of the European Union economy as the most dynamic, world competitive economy, based on know-how. FP7 is also the basic instrument for creating of a single European Research Area – ERA. The total budget of the Seventh Framework Programme amounts over 50 billion euros.

FP7 is structurally divided into four basic programme blocks:

Seventh Framework Programme also dedicates assets for the following:

The greatest assets are allocated for the Programme Block of Cooperation, 32,413 billion euros in total. Cooperation comprises ten thematic research fields, out of which the greatest portion of assets, 9 billion euros, is allocated for the thematic field of Information-Communications Technologies (ICT). In this way, the European Commission recognized this thematic research field as the most important and most perspective one for the further economic development of EU. Development of capacities for the ICT research field is also significantly supported through Capacities.

Project application and assets approval is organized through the Calls for projects, which contain detailed information regarding the research objectives within the Call (within the so called Working programs), financing methods and deadlines for submission of project proposals. Participation in FP7 is possible for research groups at universities, research institutes, individual researchers, small and medium enterprises, big companies, as well as for other governmental, non-governmental and private organizations and institutions which deal with the research work.

In June 2007, Serbia signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the European Union, and thereby gained the status of an Associate Member, and became an equal participant in the Seventh Framework Programme; the research organizations and companies from Serbia can propose projects, participate in project consortia, and become partners in projects or their coordinators, under the same terms as the EU Member Countries.

Ministry for Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia is supporting all Programme Blocks and themes of the Seventh Framework Programme.

Within the Ministry for Science and Technological Development, the National contact persons network was established, with the aim to inform the potential users about the possibilities and modalities of the cooperation and financing within the Seventh Framework Programme.

The Ministry for Telecommunications and Information Society has recognized the importance of the research and development in the field of Information-Communications Technologies (ICT), and it will support the research organizations and companies from Serbia in their joining in the Seventh Framework Programme, for the ICT thematic field, through a number of activities.

Additional materials: Introduction into the Seventh Framework Programme for the ICT thematic field and mini-guide for joining.