About ICT PSP Program

ICT Policy Support Programme – ICT PSP is a special program of European Union, and one of the three special programs of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – CIP, which lasts from 2007 to 2013.

ICT PSP is devoted to actuating of the efficient usage of Information-Communications Technologies by the citizens, public sector, state administration and business entities. The basic objective of the Program is actuating of innovations and competitiveness through wide application of ICT in business and public sector. Application of ICT in industry, small and medium enterprises, results in creation of new products and services, while applying of ICT in state administration results in more efficient and quality administration, both for economy and citizens.

Republic of Serbia joined the Program on October 23, 2009, when the Memorandum of Understanding to Participation in the Program was signed. On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Memorandum was signed by Jasna Matić, Minister for Telecommunications and Information Society, and on behalf of European Commission, by Viviane Reding, who was the Commissioner for Information Society and Media at the time. By signing of this Memorandum, the Republic of Serbia became a full member of the Program from 2010, which means that all the interested and relevant legal persons from the Republic of Serbia will be able to participate in the Program and submit the project proposals, under the equal conditions as the EU Member Countries.

Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and ICT PSP, as one of the special programs, are primarily focused on strengthening of small and medium enterprises, and therefore, their participation is especially encouraged. The objective of ICT PSP is to support and supplement the national, regional and European initiatives for SMEs. Public institutions can also participate in the Programme, as well as organizations and companies, which, when it comes to their field of activities, comply with the topics and objectives of the working programs of ICT PSP.

The basic strategic document, on the basis of which the topics and objectives of ICT PSP are defined for 2010 as well – is the European Information Society for Growth and Employment. This Document promotes the development of open, innovative and competitive digital economy, and emphasizes the importance of ICT as the key condition for innovations and the main driver for creation of inclusive society and improvement of the life quality.

ICT PSP objectives:

1. Stimulating of innovations and competitiveness through using of ICT
2. Development of sustainable, competitive, innovative and inclusive information society
3. Widespread usage of ICT and digital contents by the citizens, public administration and business sector.

Programme’s objectives are realized through allocation of the assets to the best projects, which are submitted on the basis of the launched Calls for project proposals. The expectations regarding the project proposals, topics, objectives, ways of financing, amounts and types of projects, are clearly defined in the working programs for the relevant calendar year.

Which types of projects and activities can be co-financed through ICT PSP:
• pilot projects;
• exchange of the best practice and creating of thematic networks;
• analysis of policies, their development and harmonization with the other participating countries;
• promotion, communication and spreading of the information about the Programme’s  objectives;
• projects of common interest: procurements based on technical specifications elaborated in cooperation with EU Member Countries.

Total budget of ICT PSP Program, for the period from 2007 to 2013, amounts 728 million EUR. Project proposals are submitted by the project consortia, which means the participation of several partner organizations, from several countries, within one project.

Additional material: Presentation about ICT PSP Program