Serbia among the EU Member States

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia, Tatjana Matić, Bulgarian Minister of Transport, Information Technologies, and Communications Ivailo Moskovski, and Greek Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media Nikos Papas, signed today in Sofia the Letter of Intent on Cooperation in the field connected and independent vehicles.

In the ceremony of signing within the Digital Assembly 2018, State Secretary Tatjana Matić has expressed Serbian readiness to participate in the EU projects such as the “Cross-border digital experimental corridor for the connected and automated mobility systems” ensuring the share and upgrade of knowledge and experience.

 Serbia among the EU Member States

“it’s one of the first steps in the realisation of the Western Balkans Digital Agenda, ceremoniously launched yesterday at the Digital Assembly, to which President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić gave a full support at the Leader Summit of the Western Balkans in May, also here in Sofia”, Ms Matić underlined.

She has explained that forming the Balkan corridor together with the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Bulgaria, for the Republic of Serbia as the only non-EU Member Stare, is the chance to participate in an important process which will have benefits both for the industry and the society, and the environment as well.

Serbia among the EU Member States

“The Agreements is also a big recognition for our experts, researchers, and operators, since it is technically a rather complex project for Serbia since it means that even outside the European Union, with the regional connection, we can achieve the benefits”, says Ms Matić.

State Secretary has mentioned that starting the Western Balkans Digital Agenda means the cooperation within the topics of reducing the roaming charges, network development, digital safety, digital economy, and innovations.